Friday, March 9, 2007

Who can resist a bathtub baby?!

Tonight I donned a bathing suit so we could take some pics of Liam having a bath. He's still not sure he enjoys baths (I usually just shower with him), but he cheered right up when I gave him a few raspberries on his belly :) Someday I can whip these pictures out when he brings a girlfriend over to meet us... heehee!

And yes, we will take some pictures with Daddy this weekend - goodness knows we have more than enough of Liam with me!


Sapphire, Dana, Karalee & Alastair said...

Aw black mail pictures here we go! What great shots!

Staci said...

Cute pics of the bath!!! He looks at home in your arms :)

Amy said...

How fun! Liam is a doll :)