Monday, February 26, 2007

Playing Catch-up

It's been a while since we posted! I keep forgetting that we have a blog. Let's see... quick re-cap of the past week... Liam had some issues with driving in the car last week, he was extremely fussy and one day had a complete melt-down - I had to cancel my chiropractor appointment and turn around and go home. Poor little guy. He hasn't been out in the car since his last melt-down, so I hope it was just temporary! We'll find out tomorrow when we go visit his Aunts and cousins so I can get a haircut and he can have his picture taken with his cousins.

Liam is getting very big now - I can't wait for his 4 month appointment when we find out his length and height. He's in 6 months clothes - what a long baby. People keep telling me that he looks like a little person now because he's filling out. He is still extremely alert and active - I think he'll always prefer to be up and checking out the world rather than sleeping.

The past few weeks I have been planning our vegetable garden - can't wait for spring! The previous owners of our house had a formal garden, and I am going to replace much of it with veggies... all organic of course. Hopefully Liam will tolerate being outside and will enjoy gardening with me... I can't wait for the weather to be better so he can be outdoors more; this cold weather has kept us in and I am definitely a little stir-crazy.

On Saturday we had 12 people over for a grill party, and Liam loved it - I kept trying to get him to take a nap, but he was very fussy until I took him back down to all the people. It still amazes me how much he enjoys crowds at our house - he'll let people he doesn't know hold him and he just looks around. He finally did crash and slept for 4hrs straight, which always makes me happy. Yesterday (Sunday) we got 6 inches of snow, and stayed in - I am also sick, which doesn't help. Liam was pretty crabby but in the late afternoon I finally got him to sleep and he slept very well until this morning (with the usual waking to nurse, of course). Fortunately he has not caught whatever bug I have - yay for nursing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the blog! I just might be inspired to start my own someday soon...just one of those things i've never gotten around to.