Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A few more pictures from the hair salon

These pictures are from GM's camera, at the hair salon...

Leesa with Liam - she and GM did a great job keeping him happy while I got my hair cut...

Here is Lisa entertaining Liam in his bath seat. He LOVES this seat - I have no idea why, but he's happier sitting in this than he is in his bouncy chair or rocker - go figure! GM wisely decided to bring the seat with us today... it certainly came in handy, and Leesa amused everyone in the salon by sitting down and entertaing Liam - look how happy he is!

I love this picture - Liam peeking over my shoulder...


Staci said...

Gorgeous! Love the new hair!!!

Sapphire, Dana, Karalee & Alastair said...

I LOVE your new hairstyle! Love the pics of Liam, look how happy he is! Great pictures of everyone!