Liam rolled over today, from back to front! So far he has been rolling from front to back with great ease for a month now, but we haven't seen him roll from back to front. This morning, Adam and I were playing with Liam on the floor - Liam was fascinated by the TV remote (we were watching the morning news) and we used it as a lure. Liam was so excited about the remote that he squirmed and struggled on his back until he was able to flip over onto his stomach to grab it. He did this several times, as we cheered him on. Go baby!
This afternoon I used his favorite buzz-bee toy (from Aunt Leesa) to entice him to roll-over again, this time on our bed... and he did it several times. Yeah! Of course now that he has a new trick, getting him to sleep is going to be even harder - I just put him down for bed, and it wasn't long before he rolled onto his back... and then from his back to his front. Oh boy!
He will probably be mobile soon - he has learned to scoot along veeeery slowly on his stomach. He usually puts his head down and pushes his butt up in the air until he scoots forward. It is pretty funny - he can't go very far, but he will struggle, squirm, and scoot to get to a favorite toy. I also find him in his crib sometimes with his head smooshed against the headboard, after he's scooted his way up.
Finally, he has been practicing making new sounds. Every other day or so he surprises us with a new funny sound. His latest noise is sucking in his lower lip and going "NNNNN, NNN, NNNNNN" with his eyes opened wide... and when you look at him, he starts giggling. He can also make clicking sounds with his mouth. His favorite Mom sound is still, "OINK OINK OINK"... I have tried to stop calling him "piggy-wiggy" as a nickname, but I can't stop oinking at him - he just dissolves in giggles!