Thursday, June 28, 2007

Crawling to Mom... slowly...

Liam crawling... sloooowwwlllyy across the bed... too slow for a video camera, but just right for a series of photos (and you don't have to listen to me squealing "c'mon baby, you can do it!!!")

Starting out...
Getting excited but not going anywhere...
There we go, that's progress!
Whew, this crawling stuff is hard!
More squggling on our belly...

Mom? You still there?
The final push...
Get that rear in gear!
Whew! What a push from behind!
Hi Mom, I made it! Can we do something else now?


Sapphire, Dana, Karalee & Alastair said...

Way to go Liam!! You the man!!!


Amy said...

I'm impressed. Good job, Liam!

Staci said...

Wow! Yay Liam!!!