Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

We had a fantastic Father's Day - we started out at the zoo, and the weather was surprisingly good - low humidity, sunny and breezy. Liam had a great time and was so well behaved. Then we stopped by Aunt Niki's house so Liam could take his nap. Niki was nice enough to let us run out for lunch while she watched him (we did bring her and Liam back some lunch and smoothies!) Then we went to the playground by Niki's house to swing and slide... and best of all Grandpa and Vivian came by for a visit! We went for ice-cream and hung out together at Aunt Niki's. A great day!

Liam and Daddy checking out the seals...

Oh really, Daddy? Are you sure?

Best part of the day so far: walking on the steps! (Toddlers are easy to please)

Now this was definitely the best part of the day! Getting wet in the water mister!

Dancing in the water with a little girl...

Crazy for water

Mommy trying to talk Liam into coming out of the water - no go!

Dripping wet boy... I think he would have stayed under that mister all day if we'd let him!

Now we're at the park with Aunt Niki... swinging...

Hi there Mommy! Every time we took him out of the swing, he started frantically making the sign for "more"... just like when we tried to take him out of the water mister!

Whee! Like Mommy's hat?

Grandpa bought everyone ice-cream. Liam sampled everyone's, and then had a blast feeding Daddy bites...

He thought it was hilarious to feed Daddy and then yank the spoon away...

Here is Grandpa trying to give Liam some ice-cream... and Liam is pretending to be shy...

Liam considering the ice-cream...

Liam strumming the baby Fender with Aunt Niki. He loved the guitar and even "sang" a bit - it was hilarious!


Amy said...

I can see the baby belly!!!

Nicole said...

I'm horrified my cat left that scratch on his pretty face!!

Anna said...

So cute! You look great as well!

Sapphire, Dana, Karalee & Alastair said...

What a great day! He's getting so big! I love the pictures of him "feeding" daddy, Karalee loves to do that too! And I agree with Amy, I see that baby belly!! Woo hoo!!!