Thursday, October 4, 2007

Another Liam Update

Liam is now about 10 1/2 months old... here are his latest antics...

  1. He still has 7 teeth, I think 2 more are slooowly coming in. Slowly. Did I say SLOWLY?
  2. He crawls at 100mph and pulls up on everything, especially my pant leg
  3. He says "Dadadadadadada" and "MumMumMum" indiscriminately, but he does say "MumMumMum" when he is upset and only stops when I pick him up. So, it either means "Mommy I need you!" or more likely, "Pick me up, dammit!"
  4. He eats a lot now, although he really hates anything resembling baby mush, so meals consist of him eating whatever I'm eating... cut into tiny bits. His favorite food right now is home-made chicken soup.
  5. He can pull his plastic donuts off the, uh, stand (I am not sure what terminology to use for the stackable donut toy)... and he can put the donuts back on. Okay, not in order or anything, but it is still cute.
  6. He really likes to lift up shirts and poke belly-buttons. He also gets mad if he's pinching me while nursing and I make him stop. I know! How mean of me to not let him pinch me like that!
  7. Now that it is fall, we go for long walks every evening with Daddy, and enjoy the beautiful weather. Liam props his feet up on the stroller handle and enjoys the scenery. He likes watching hawks overhead and the telephone wires next to the road.
  8. He likes to bang his toys together, put toys into things and then retrieve them, and put toys on the dog. Pepper really likes him and will tolerate lots of baby abuse... only problem is that she loves to lick his face... as he happily opens his mouth... GROSS.

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